GWR 13XX Pannier Tank
Here is the GWR 13xx Pannier tank, a shorter version of Duck! We made this as a request from a customer. Iim so glad to have this one finished, i hope you all might enjoy it. Made to fit on a Tomy/TM Percy Chassis!
Here is the 13xx Pannier, it has a whistle, dome, and saftey valve! we worked hard to test and bring this to you, and i hope yall might want a model for yourself! Made to fit on a Tomy/TM Percy Chassis!
Our Return and Refund policy. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, we will refund and you can send the model back for a new one or a model in the same price range! We always want our customers to enjoy our products!
****BE AWARE**** These items take about two or more weeks to make at a time, please understand we are trying to make the models look the best they can shipping is about 5-8 business days after the model is complete and you will receive and email when it is complete.
We can combine shipping, and shipping is about 4-5 dollars inside the US and about 14 for international!